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"Keşfetme sevinci, kesinlikle insanın aklının hissedebileceği en heyecanlandırıcı şey"

- Claude Bernard -

Uluslararası Makaleler
Ulusal & Uluslararası Hakemli Kongre Bildirileri

[1] Atmaca Adem (2017) Sustainable life span prediction of shelters constructed in refugee camps in Turkey. Energy, Ecology and Environment, Doi: 10.1007/s40974-017-0053-z.


[2] Atmaca Nihat, Abbas Mohammed Layth, Atmaca Adem (2017) Effects of nano-silica on the gas permeability, durability and mechanical properties of high-strength lightweight concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 147, 17-26., Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.04.156.


[3] Atmaca Nihat, Atmaca Adem, Aljumaili Muhammed,Özçetin Ali Ihsan (2018). Strength and shrinkage properties of self-compacting concretes incorporating waste PVC dust. The International Journal of Energy & Engineering Sciences, 3(1), 47-57. (Yayın No: 4183222)


[4] Atmaca Nihat, Atmaca Adem,Sezer Gözde Safak (2018). The Investigation of Strength and Water Absorption of Self-Compacting Concrete by Inclusion of Metakaolin and Calcined Kaolin. Hittite Journal Of Science Engineering, Doi: 10.17350/HJSE19030000096 (Yayın No: 4232136)


[5] Atmaca Adem, Atmaca Nihat (2018). “Energy efficiency and engineering applications” in conjunction with the “International energy and engineering conference 2016” (Oct 13–14, 2016). Energy, Ecology and Environment, 3(1), 1-4., Doi: 10.1007/s40974-018-0082-2 (Yayın No: 4181925)


[6] Atmaca Adem (2016). Life cycle assessment and cost analysis of residential buildings in South East of Turkey: Part 2 - A case study. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(7), 925-942. DOI 10.1007/s11367-016-1051-7.


[7] Atmaca Adem (2016). Life cycle assessment and cost analysis of residential buildings in South East of Turkey: Part 1- Review and Methodology. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(6), 831-846. DOI 10.1007/s11367-016-1050-8.


[8] Atmaca Adem, Atmaca Nihat (2016). Comparative life cycle energy and cost analysis of post-disaster temporary housings. Applied Energy, 171, 429-443. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.03.058


[9] Atmaca Adem, Yumrutaş Recep (2015). The effects of grate clinker cooler on specific energy consumption and emissions of a rotary kiln in cement industry, Int. J of Exergy, 18(3), 367-386.


[10] Atmaca Adem, Atmaca Nihat (2015). Life cycle energy (LCEA) and carbon dioxide emissions (LCCO2A) assessment of two residential buildings in Gaziantep, Turkey. Energy and Buildings 102, 417–431.


[11] Atmaca Adem, Yumrutaş Recep (2014). Analysis of the parameters affecting energy consumption of a rotary kiln in cement industry, Applied Thermal Engineering, 66, 434-444.


[12] Atmaca Adem, Yumrutaş Recep (2014). Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a cement plant: Part I – Methodology, Energy Conversion and Management, 79, 790–798.


[13] Atmaca Adem, Yumrutaş Recep (2014). Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a cement plant: Part II – Application, Energy Conversion and Management, 79, 799–808.


[14] Atmaca Adem, Kanoglu Mehmet (2012). Reducing energy consumption of a raw mill in cement industry, Energy, 42, 261–9.


[15] Atmaca Adem, Kanoglu Mehmet, Gadalla Mohamad (2012). Thermodynamic analysis of a pyroprocessing unit of a cement plant: a case study, Int J Exergy, 11, 152–72.


[16] Atmaca Adem, Atmaca Nihat (2016). Determination of correlation between specific energy consumption and vibration of a raw mill in cement industry. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology-A Applied Sciences and Engineering, 17(1), 209-219., Doi: 10.18038/btda.11251.


[17] Atmaca Adem (2018). Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic assessment of a dry type rotary kiln. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology-A Applied Sciences and Eng. 19/1, 192-205.

[1] Atmaca Nihat, Bakbak Derya, Atmaca Adem (2018). Comparison of Adobe and Container Structures via LCA. Kerpic’18 – Back to Earthen Architecture: Industrialized, Injected, Rammed, Stabilized 6th International Conference.


[2] Atmaca Adem, Kanbar Sara, Atmaca Nihat (2017). Sustainable design of commercial buildings. 2. Uluslararası Enerji ve Mühendislik Konferansı. UEMK 2017. Gaziantep, Turkey.


[3] Atmaca Adem, Jneid Amani, Atmaca Nihat (2017). Reducing environmental effects and enhancing design capabilities of architectural structures by using waste polypropylene. 2. Uluslararsı Enerji ve Mühendislik Konferansı. UEMK 2017. Gaziantep, Turkey.


[4] Atmaca Nihat, Kaky Ahmed Talib, Atmaca Adem (2017). Drying shrinkage and compressive strength of concrete with nano-silica. 2. Uluslararası Enerji ve Mühendislik Konferansı UEMK 2017. Gaziantep, Turkey.


[5] Atmaca Adem, Kanbar Sara, Atmaca Nihat (2017). A Review of Studies on Life Cycle Assessment of Commercial Buildings. 19th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST). 27-28 July 2017. Wasrti, Universitat de Barcelona - Edifici Histic, Barcelona, Spain.


[6] Atmaca Nihat, Hnshal Mohammed Wadi, Atmaca Adem (2017). The effects of pvc dust on permeability of self-compacting concrete. 2nd International Congress On Engineering Architecture And Design, 653-654.


[7] Atmaca Nihat, Sanaga Gozde Safak, Atmaca Adem (2017). Effect of metakaolin and calcined kaolin on hardened properties of self compacting concrete. 2ndInternational Congress On Engineering Architecture And Design, 643-644.


[8] Atmaca Nihat, Ali Aram Salim, Atmaca Adem (2017). The effect of Nano-Silica on Gas Permeability and Water Sorptivity of Nano-SiO2 Blended Concrete. ICOCEE CAPPADOCIA 2017, 2151-2160. 


[9] Atmaca Nihat, Abbas Mohammed Layth, Atmaca Adem (2017). Mechanical and Durability Properties of High Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete by using Nano-Silica. ICOCEE CAPPADOCIA 2017, 2136-2146. 


[10] Atmaca Adem (2016). The Effects Of Life Span On Energy Consumption And CO2 Emissions Of Container Houses. International Energy & Engineering Conference 2016 (UEMK 2016), 293-298.


[11] Atmaca Adem,Atmaca Nihat (2016). Energy Efficient External Wall Construction With A Special Insulation For Buildings Inspiration From Polar Bear Fur. International Energy & Engineering Conference 2016 (UEMK 2016), 818-818.


[12] Atmaca, A., Atmaca, N. (2016). Environmental effects of residential buildings constructed in urban and rural areas in South East of Turkey, a life cycle approach. 8th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition, 11-13 Mayıs, Afyon, TÜRKİYE.


[13] Atmaca, A., Atmaca, N. (2016).  Life Cycle Hybrid Assessment of Post Disaster Prefabricated & Container Housings. International Conference on Civil and Urban Engineering-ICCUE 2016, 23-24 Mart, Amsterdam, HOLLANDA.


[14] Atmaca, A., Atmaca, N. (2016).  Embodied Energy and Cost Analysis of a Residential Building in Gaziantep, Turkey. International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE'16). pp: 2578-2586. 19-20 Mart, Kilis, TÜRKİYE.


[15] Atmaca, N., Atmaca, A. (2016). Vibration Control of a Raw Mill with Fuzzy Logic. International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE'16). pp: 3461-3474. 19-20 Mart, Kilis, TÜRKİYE.


[16] Atmaca A, Yumrutas R. (2013). Reducing energy consumptionand emissions of a rotary kiln in cement industry. The 2013 Clute Institute International Academic Conference, 9-12 Haziran, Paris, FRANSA.


[17] Atmaca, A., Yumrutas, R. (2012). The use of waste heat streams as an energy resource in a rotary burner in cement industry, in: 12th IAEE European Energy Conference Energy Challenge and Environmental Sustainability, 9-12 Eylül, Venice, ITALY.


[18] Atmaca, A., Yumrutaş, R. (2012). Thermodynamic analysis of a rotary burner in cement industry, 6th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition, 28-30 Haziran, İzmir, TÜRKİYE.


[19] Atmaca, A., Kanoglu, M., Gadalla, M. (2011). Thermodynamic Evaluation of a Raw Mill in Cement Industry. The Fifth International Exergy, Energy and Environmental Symposium, IEEES-5, 12-15 Aralık, Luxor, MISIR.


[20] Atmaca, A., Kanoglu, M., Gadalla, M. (2011). Analysis of Pyroprocessing Unit and Waste Heat Recovery System in Cement Industry for Sustainable Development. The International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the Environment, 23-24 Mart4, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, DUBAI.


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